22 Weeks…Only 18 left!

Two weeks in a row; holy cats!  I know that all of you must be very impressed.  I know I am.  Last weekend was so amazing.  I had a great time with my family (I miss them so much!), and we had a great time with Lisa and Jam.  I got some maternity clothes, but it was until I got home that I realized I bought two pairs or capri pants – neither of which I can wear to work.  So, it’s still regular pants for me unless I am not working.  I think I will have to order some of those.  Or maybe the Sears in Canada has some…?  Some exciting things happened this week (some I will detail later).  For instance, on Wednesday, my brother and Mandy found out that they are having a girl!  Melinda Laurie will be her name – isn’t it pretty?  Both of our girls will have M.L. names.  Kenny said that during the ultrasound she kept grabbing her toes, and she’d put her hands on both sides of her face.   I just love it!  I can’t believe how fast things are moving now!  At first it felt like it was taking forever to really feel pregnant (aside from the morning sickness, of course), and I was feeling really impatient.  But I was talking to my mom the other day and I said, “I’m 22 weeks, that means I only have 18 left!”  We both were silent for a minute and then let out a big, “Wow!”  I freaked myself out a little.  Our daughter is due in 18 weeks!  That is CRAZY!  My OB, has given me a few different dates:  going by the first day of my last cycle, he said my due date should be August 12, by my very first ultrasound it should be August 19, by my last ultrasound it should be August 21, and he said August 20 and 23 were also written down, but I’m not sure why…So, I am sticking with the 19th.  Which means I am due one day after our 3 year wedding anniversary.  Ken and Mandy’s due date was moved up two days to be September 8 which is two days after their wedding anniversary.  Man oh man, we are so blessed!

How Far Along? 22 weeks and 1 day.

Total weight gain
: My total weight gain was .2 pounds at 20 weeks.  I will get weighed again in two weeks – my scale is WAY off.

Cravings: I haven’t really craved anything in the past two weeks, but I must say that the power of suggestion is very strong!  It’s when something is suggested that I want ONLY that until I get it.

Maternity clothes? I just went shopping and now have a tank, a tee, a dress, a nursing tank, a skirt, khaki capris, and jean capris.  Can I just say that maternity pants = best invention EVER.  I don’t ever want to take them off!

Sleep: Only getting up to pee, and when I do, I am so tired that I mostly don’t remember getting back to bed – but I am out as soon as I hit the pillow.  That’s nice, for sure.  I am also falling asleep very shortly after I lay down, which is a HUGE change from my normal sleeping habits and very enjoyable.

Best moment this week: Wednesday night, I was at home by myself (Dave was getting off of work in an hour and a half) reading a book while resting it on my stomach.  I felt Maya move and I saw the book move with it.  I got so excited that I lifted up my shirt, ditched the book and felt with my hands.  I wasn’t sure if I was really feeling her move or not, so I threw my hands in the air and stared at my stomach for a good two minutes with nothing happening.  I thought she needed some help, so I kind of shook my stomach around a bit.  Whether or not that is the reason for what happened next, I don’t know.  However, I continued the staring, and as I felt her move next my stomach popped out in the same spot.  I don’t mean popped like “Oh my gosh, my stomach is going to rip open,” but more like a little bump sticking out.  It was the greatest thing I have ever seen.

Movement: Lots of movement by our little girl.  Although I can’t feel her from the outside all the time, I think I can tell when she is flipping around versus when she kicks or hits.  It’s really neat, but I have been feeling her on the outside more.  Not so much when I’m laying down, but I really feel her when I’m working or sitting.  The few times Dave’s been home and I felt her, she stopped moving by the time he got over to me and put his hand on my stomach.  That makes him kind of sad, but he will feel her soon! 🙂

Labor Signs: Nope, nope, nope.

Belly Button in or out? In fo sho.

What I miss: Um…I guess the only thing I miss now is bras that fit.  I was saying jeans a lot, but now that I have found the amazing maternity jeans, I don’t think I’ll ever wear regular jeans again!

What I am looking forward to: Our next ultrasound.  I want to not only see her again, but to be assured that it is in fact a girl so that I can start to write in the baby book that I bought.  I didn’t want to write in it and have them say at my next ultrasound, “Oops, it’s a boy” and then I wouldn’t be able to return it.  I would hate for a boy to have a girl’s baby book!

Weekly Wisdom:  I was brought up to eat everything on my plate.  However, I have noticed that when I make food I feel pretty hungry, but halfway through eating, I feel done.  Let yourself be done at that point.  You don’t have to eat it all right then.  Besides, you’ll be hungry again in about two hours, you can finish it then.  Just don’t push yourself to eat everything on your plate.  That especially goes for eating out!

Milestones:  Feeling Maya move from the outside.  Even just feeling her at all!  I was getting discouraged because Mandy could feel her but I couldn’t even though I am farther along.  But now, it is just so wonderful to feel her.

Enclosed is the weekly picture. Bon appetit!

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